Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
Creative and innovative resources that meet the needs of every learner in every lesson.
Why create numerous resources when one can do it all.
Most resources are for geography lessons, but many are for whole-school too and cross over into numerous subjects.
Perfect for teachers planning PSHE 2020 curriculum or as Tutor Time Resources. Includes everything needed. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. An engaging lesson that looks at rights and responsibilities.
Students look at meanings.
They then look at the rights & responsibilities of key groups of people.
They move on to writing a short paragraph on the rights & responsibilities of British citizens.
Pupils then look at a case study of a man on death row and whether or not he should have the same rights as all citizens.
There is a success criteria so pupils can either self or peer assess their work.
Great for KS3, 4 and can easily be broken up for primary pupils.
A lesson that truly gets kids thinking and is very simple to deliver.
Information about the impact that McDonalds is having upon the planet.
Links brilliantly to SMSC, geography and Science.
The lesson is designed to give students an understanding of obesity related to fast food, the reasons for its growth in Asia and the environmental impacts (both good & bad).
I provided the pupils with the information sheet (printed in colour & on A3). They read it & made notes.
They then had to present a 2 minute talk to the class without repetition, hesitation or saying ummm or ok or like.
It truly promotes oracy, literacy and presentation skills along with independent and creative learning.
The kids loved it and it is incredibly simple and easy to teach.
Perfect for teachers planning PSHE 2020 curriculum or as Tutor Time Resources. Includes everything needed. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. An engaging lesson that looks at what it means to be a teenager in Britain today.
It is an active lesson that requires pupils to gather data and then present it.
It works well at both KS3 & 4 and is a key area of the SMSC PSHCE specification.
Students add to the table of things that are important to them.
They then walk around the room and create a tally based on their peers top 3 most important factors from their list.
They then rank the issues from most to least. 1-8.
A histogram can then be create using their data.
In discussion with their partner, pupils then identify what they perceive other people in society think about teenagers.
One done, they complete a simple success critera.
Perfect for teachers planning PSHE 2020 curriculum or as Tutor Time Resources. Includes everything needed. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. An engaging lesson that looks at pay day loans & debt. A lesson that provides pupils with a decision making task for two very different people.
They have to look at each case study and offer advice on the best way for that person to deal with their financial situation.
It covers lifestyle, expenses, living costs, debt, empathy and wise choices.
My kids loved doing this and feeding back what they would do in the situation of each character.
Perfect for teachers planning PSHE 2020 curriculum or as Tutor Time Resources. Includes everything needed. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. An engaging lesson looking at the cost of living. Great numeracy links too.
Calculate the cost of living for certain things & add to the table.
Decide on other possible expenses that are not listed in the table.
Look at effective ways to reduce spending.
Perfect for teachers planning PSHE 2020 curriculum or as Tutor Time Resources. Includes everything needed. These resources have been designed to be engaging, detailed and easy to follow. All our resources are editable (so easy to adapt for your classes) and are designed to last one hour each. An engaging lesson that looks at what it means to be British for young people today.
Students look at being British from their own and others opinions.
They have a go at getting the 75% needed on the British quiz (all on PowerPoint).
They move on to predicting what things might be like in the future.
There is a success criteria so pupils can either self or peer assess their work.
Great for KS3, 4 and can easily be broken up for primary pupils.
A lesson that truly gets kids thinking and is very simple to deliver.